Distillery plants of the Schmitt Group

One of the top addresses for green technologies for 150 years

It is no coincidence that the Schmitt Group has risen over the years to become one of the world market leaders in the field of environmentally and climate-friendly distillery technology. The family-run company sees green technologies not simply as a business model, but as a personal mission to make an important contribution to saving the planet – and on a solid economic basis.

Responsible for this philosophy is CEO Reiner Schmitt, who puts the company credo into practice day after day. Corporate management taking into account the values ​​of ecology and social responsibility – that was the principle of the company boss even before the outbreak of the Corona crisis, and on this basis the company’s success story will continue afterwards.

In the case of ethanol, the traffic lights on the stock exchange are green

If even a global pandemic cannot harm the price development of an entire industrial sector, there must be more behind it. This is the case with ethanol – especially bioethanol. Almost all price analysts put the signal “buy” on biofuel stocks.

That shouldn’t come as a surprise: the stock exchange is fully committed to future-oriented issues and primarily focuses on companies with a sustainable concept. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic, the threat of the global climate catastrophe remains. With the economy now slowly picking up again, the problem will worsen again after a short period of inactivity, so that green technologies are more important than ever.

Ethanol from crop residues as well as organic waste and residues can reduce CO² emissions by up to 90 percent. Relying on companies that promote this strategy is not only environmentally conscious but also financially forward-thinking.

Unknown challenges from the Corona crisis

The challenges that Corona has presented us all have put many companies and industries to the test. Even previous modern-day pandemics have not had such a catastrophic impact on the overall system of human civilization as the corona epidemic.

Since March 2020, we all know how thin the foundation our society rests on is. Millions of livelihoods are in acute jeopardy, not to mention the massive loss of human life. The end of the crisis is not yet in sight and the questions about the future and what it has in store for us are getting louder and louder.

The wave of insolvencies caused by Corona is only just beginning – the consequences of the months-long shutdown will only have an impact in the coming quarters. Millions of people on short-time work, failing companies that are bought up by the larger companies with the help of the government aid they receive – none of this paints a rosy picture of a healthy overall economic situation.

The Schmitt Group is one of the companies that have continued to develop positively during the crisis. In addition to the promising aspect of climate protection, ethanol plays an important strategic role, especially in times of rampant epidemics.

With ethanol, the Schmitt Group was not only able to realize a self-sufficient energy supply that relies exclusively on its own resources. In addition, ethanol is a strategic base material for disinfection in a pandemic environment. In fact, the Schmitt Group was able to make a significant contribution to the supply of disinfectants in Germany and a number of other countries and will continue to do so in the future.

In two respects, ethanol is a key product with a rapidly increasing demand: on the one hand as a raw material for environmentally and climate-friendly fuels, on the other hand as an important element in the fight against pandemics and general health promotion.

Added to this is the high operational reliability of the Schmittgruppe distillery plant. Even in times when social contacts have to be reduced to a minimum for safety reasons, a Schmitt distillery does not have to fear complete standstill. The innovative technology allows remote maintenance of most technical components. This means that uncontrolled contacts with external service personnel can be kept to a minimum, and with a high level of reliability.

A well-known phrase of epidemiologists is: The next crisis will definitely come. In other words: Corona is certainly not the last pandemic that will afflict us. Schmitt distillery systems are designed, both in terms of technology and business model, not only to survive crises that threaten the existence of the company, but to emerge stronger from them.

With green ideas out of the crisis

The Schmitt Group has a lot planned for the next few years – and Corona cannot change that either. Plans are best implemented together. Schmitt will therefore tackle a number of projects together with his investors in the coming months. The focus is on expanding existing distillery facilities and increasing distillery output by 50 percent.

But there are also more far-reaching projects. This includes the development of mechanical engineering, expansion into an EPC company, design and worldwide sale of complete distilleries and the production of alcohol for the beverage, pharmaceutical, medical and bioethanol sectors.

The Schmitt Group has a business model that not only relies on economic growth phases, but also includes a watertight business strategy in times of global crises. This is one of the key factors behind the unstoppable growth of the Schmitt Group.

Further information on Schmitt Group distillery plants

We would be happy to provide you with comprehensive information about our distillery systems. Find out more about our sustainable concept of distillery technology and contact us. We look forward to you!!